“I don’t like this day,” is how perfectly my son summed up Monday, May 21st.

Thank you for the huge amount of love and support you’ve all given me in response to my May 19th post. Unfortunately, I’ve had a bit of a setback in my recovery. Last week, I had opted for the use of drugs as opposed to the surgical procedure and it went rather well. I thought I was feeling better over the weekend but when I woke up on Monday, I lost a tremendous amount of blood and had to go to the emergency room. I don’t think I’ve been so frightened in my life. After some blood work, two pelvic exams and a dual ultrasound, it was determined that I had lost the remaining tissue and I was cleared to go home. They had prevented me from eating or drinking the entire time in case I had to have surgery and that amounted to a total of 17 hours so I was severely dehydrated and malnourished. I also had an IV tube put in my arm in case they had to use it. The nurse did me a favour by putting it in when she did the initial blood work so I wouldn’t have to get pricked twice but it was no fun wearing that contraption for five hours without function. This whole experience brought back all the emotions that I thought I was done with a week ago. I really didn’t want to cry about it again and of course now I’m feeling a lot worse than before physically. The ultrasound also showed something unusual so I hope I won’t be getting any more bad news. All I want is to recover and be healthy and happy. It’s hard not to think about the what ifs and what the future might hold but I’m trying to put that out of my mind until I am completely well again.

32 thoughts on “Where The Heart Is: Part 2”
  1. My words in English are not enough to say what I really feel and think. Can't find the right words, how I think in Dutch, and say it in English!
    How ever. I wish you all the best, health, and luck for the future!!

  2. Emily, I am so very sorry that things got more difficult! I am glad you are okay after the blood loss! That is so scary! I do hope you are able to heal soon both physically and emotionally! *hugs!*

  3. Praying for your physical recovery and your mental health. I'm so sorry, Emily, for your loss, and all of the medical stuff on top of it just compounds everything. Sadly, I know it all too well. 🙁

  4. Emily, I'm so sorry you keep hearing bad news. It sounds impossible right now, but this, too, shall pass. I will continue to pray for you. You will be well again. Hope the smiles and joys your son brings to your life speeds up your recovery time!!! Sending warm hugs your way! xoxoxo

    ~ Grisel

  5. I am so sorry to hear of your continuing health problems. I am sure that this experience was scary for everyone. Take comfort in knowing that you have a very sweet & special little boy who loves you so much. Been through similar circumstances and it is rough. Take time to care for yourself and your husband. Hugs and prayers to you all.

  6. Oh sweetie, I feel so bad that you are having so much difficulty…keeping you in my thoughts and prayers sweetie.
    Give yourself time to heal and don't be afraid or embarrassed to grieve~ it is all part of the process sweetie
    Sending a big hug

  7. Praying for you Emily. Wish I lived close so I could come over and help you out. I hope the road ahead gets easier and that you can start to heal emotionally and physically.

  8. Emily, I am at a loss of words. Don't really know anything what to say that would ease your pain even slightly. I just wish and hope that you recover quickly and are fit and healthy again soon.

    My prayers and wishes are with you always!

  9. Emily, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. You are in my thoughts and prayers. You have such a wonderfully compassionate little boy. Hugs.

  10. I just saw this post Emily. :> I am so sorry you went through more. I do have to share that friends who do not go the surgical route get pregnant again so much faster than those who do so I am really happy to read that you did it that way. I am thinking of you! :>

  11. Prayers going out for you, Emily! What a scary thing to go through. Please take care of yourself by taking it slow and easy. Big hugs!

  12. I am so sorry you had to go through this.. We went through this same thing 4 years ago before we got pregnant with Libby.. My heart hearts for you.. know I am thinking of you.. hugs

  13. Emily, I hadn't been by in awhile and just now read your posts. You are in my thoughts and prayers for healing as you recover from this difficult experience.

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